

Upcoming Events, Seminars & Webinars

May 11, 2021
8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

4th Annual Hudson Valley Affordable Housing Virtual Summit

Please join Goldstein Hall Partner, Jason Labate, Pace Land Use Law Center and the Housing Action Council for the Fourth Annual Hudson Valley Affordable Housing Virtual Summit.

The two-day virtual Hudson Valley Affordable Housing Summit will discuss new and innovative strategies for increasing and preserving affordable housing…

ANHD Goldstein Hall Training Series: The Basics of Affordable Housing

Our annual Goldstein Hall Training Series is back! Join us for the five-part workshop series, where the experts at Goldstein Hall provide sessions on Affordable Housing Development, Joint Ventures, LIHTC Syndication, Year-15 Refinancing, and more! The first session focuses on the basics of affordable housing. This training will cover the need-to-knows for conversations that will […] ...
27 Feb
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

ANHD Goldstein Hall Training Series: Putting the Deal Together (Joint Ventures 101)

Our annual Goldstein Hall Training Series is back! Join us for the five-part workshop series, where the experts at Goldstein Hall provide sessions on Affordable Housing Development, Joint Ventures, LIHTC Syndication, Year-15 Refinancing, and more! The second session focuses on the complexities of creating a development team, negotiating and structuring joint venture agreements with for-profit […] ...
06 Mar
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

ANHD Goldstein Hall Training Series: Joint Ventures 201

Our annual Goldstein Hall Training Series is back! Join us for the five-part workshop series, where the experts at Goldstein Hall provide sessions on Affordable Housing Development, Joint Ventures, LIHTC Syndication, Year-15 Refinancing, and more! This interactive panel will provide further detail about negotiation strategies relative to a joint venture partnership. The presenters will discuss […] ...
13 Mar
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

ANHD Goldstein Hall Training Series: Back End of the Deal: Yr. 15 Credits and Refinancing

Our annual Goldstein Hall Training Series is back! Join us for the five-part workshop series, where the experts at Goldstein Hall provide sessions on Affordable Housing Development, Joint Ventures, LIHTC Syndication, Year-15 Refinancing, and more! This workshop will include a detailed discussion of the Right of First Refusal and Purchase Option, a conversation about capital […] ...
20 Mar
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

ANHD Goldstein Hall Training Series: Understanding LIHTC: Selection of Syndicator and Bank

Our annual Goldstein Hall Training Series is back! Join us for the five-part workshop series, where the experts at Goldstein Hall provide sessions on Affordable Housing Development, Joint Ventures, LIHTC Syndication, Year-15 Refinancing, and more! In this part of ANHD’s Affordable Housing Development training series, participants will learn about the essential legal aspects of partnering […] ...
27 Mar
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
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