Since our inception in 2006, we have been proud to continue to enhance our reputation as a smart, reputable, and responsive firm that believes our achievements are deeply rooted in the community and in your success.
Goldstein Hall is a certified Benefit Corporation (B‐Corp.) committed to empowering our clients to build strong organizations and communities by forming smart, focused and responsive partnerships between our clients and our attorneys. Through our diverse team of lawyers, we are devoted to exceeding client expectations in a range of matters where skilled, creative legal representation is crucial. Attorneys at Goldstein Hall are proud to contribute their input and pioneer new projects and initiatives. They build upon existing relationships and offer innovative suggestions and solutions to develop and otherwise enhance programs and practice.
Our clients range from for-profit and nonprofit developers, not-for-profit organizations, general contractors and builders, public and private financial institutions, and governmental agencies. Goldstein Hall provides financial and personal support to key community organizations, trade associations, and nonprofits that further affordable housing, arts, education and social services, as well as economic development activities.
We also work on a series of Special Initiatives related to new programs developed to address specialized areas of our industry such as Faith Based Community Development, Community Land Trusts, Emerging Developers, the Joint Ownership Entity (JOE NYC), LISC NYC’s New York Land Opportunity Program (NYLOP), arts and cultural efforts and more.