Faith Based Seminar: Who Is My Neighbor? Developing Churches, Buildings and Neighborhoods with Room for All – Manhasset, NY
Join Goldstein Hall, New York State Council of Churches, Pace University Land Use Law Center and other partners to reflect together on how we build racially and economically inclusive neighborhoods, towns and cities. We want communities where everyone can belong, participate and contribute. We want to offer you the tools and perspectives which can aid you in building the state and world we all want.
At this seminar we will help you and your congregation:
• Refocus on your mission and love your neighbors well.
• Build relationships and lead in your communities to address attitudinal, structural, planning challenges like Not in My Backyard, zoning rules, and outdated comprehensive plans, which often prevent cities from welcoming people of all races and incomes.
• Learn from architects, attorneys, clergy and others about how to restore sanctuaries and community space, maximize rentals, build child care centers, schools, arts centers, food pantries, and construct affordable housing.
• Explore opportunities for financing.
Register Here
For more information, please contact [email protected] or 518-436-9319