
NEW DATE – Faith Based Seminar: Who Is My Neighbor? Developing Churches, Buildings and Neighborhoods with Room for All – Saratoga Springs

Join the New York State Council of Churches, Goldstein Hall, the Pace University Land Use Law Center and other partners for a day of conversation with colleagues and experts that will inspire you to think in new ways about your property and your community.

We’ll look at a wide variety of real-life examples of churches who have found creative ways to redevelop their property for the benefit of the community.  Across New York State, churches have built affordable housing, created arts and community spaces, planted community gardens and developed schools and educational programs.

We’ll consider the theological basis for the church’s work to offer hospitality to the stranger and strengthen our social fabric that leaves so many feeling isolated.  And we’ll directly address the architectural, zoning, financial and social barriers that stand in the way.

Register Here

For more information, please contact [email protected] or 518-436-9319

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