Goldstein Hall hosted a panel on Modern Approaches for Traditional Buildings: Creative Opportunities for Religious Real Estate through Development or Adaptive Reuse. The Bronx Borough President, Ruben Diaz, Jr., joined Goldstein Hall moderators Jason Labate and Jessica Loeser along with a group of informative panelists to discuss Developer & Church Relationships and Adaptive Reuse – benefits and risks of development and community partnerships.
Arthur Aviles, Founder, Arthur Aviles Typical Theater and Co-Founder, BAAD! The Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance
Cheryl Seeley, Director of Children’s Educational Programs, Food Programs and Administration, St Peter’s Episcopal Church
Derrick A. Lovett, President/CEO, MBD Community Housing Corp.
Donna Schaper, Senior Minister, Judson Memorial Church and Founder, Bricks and Mortals
Mother Joade Dauer-Cardasis, Reverend, St Peter’s Episcopal Church
Ruben Diaz Jr, Bronx Borough President
Samantha Magistro, Managing Director of New Business, Bronx Pro Group
Sarah Williams, General Counsel, Procida Companies