Join Rachel D. Jaffe and Meghan Boland at this virtual event where they will be providing some valuable information and insight on HDFCs.
There will be 3 presentations:
Navigating Landlord-Tenant Law in the HDFC Space
Join us for a comprehensive webinar on Navigating Landlord-Tenant Law in the HDFC Space: Shareholder Obligations & the Warranty of Habitability. This webinar will provide valuable insights into the complex world of landlord-tenant law and the specific challenges faced by HDFCs and the unique obligations of a shareholder as outlined in the typical proprietary. We will also discuss the warranty of habitability and the obligations of HDFCs and shareholders respectively. We will guide you through the best practices for managing landlord-tenant relations and navigating legal hurdles. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and connect with other industry professionals.
Local Law 97
This is a presentation about Local Law 97, which covers commercial and residential greenhouse gas emissions in buildings over 25,000 square feet. For some categories of buildings, compliance and reporting will commence in 2024. By May 1, 2025, and by May 1 of every year thereafter, the owner of a covered building must file an annual Greenhouse Gas Emission report showing that, for the previous calendar year, the building is in compliance or face fines. We will discuss which buildings are covered by Local Law 97, when HDFCs must begin tracking emissions and how to file the annual Greenhouse Gas Emission report.
Wills & Estates: A shareholder dies: what happens to the heirs? Shares?
Please join Rachel Jaffe from Goldstein Hall as she gives a webinar presentation on wills and estates in the HDFC context and what it means to the HDFC and the shareholder’s family when a shareholder passes away. Questions that will be answered include, but are not limited to:
- When a Shareholder dies, what happens to the heirs? the shares?
- What if no will was made and the sole shareholder passes away?